Friday, September 2, 2011

How do we realize our dreams?

Our dreams have to be a part of us before we can fully realize them.  We also have to awaken from negative dreams before we can realize our positive ones.  We need to realize our optimistic buoyancy, our ability to be fully conscious and responsive to life before we can really know what our dreams should be and how to attain them.  Negative dreams poison the well of our desires and keep us from realizing our real needs.  Negative dreams hold us in the past in chains fortified with fear and grief.  We have to break free from these chains to fly into our dreams.

There is a path we must follow in order to achieve this dream liberation.  This path is a spiritual one.  Not the religious kind but the path of kindness and virtue.  It demands that we feel what happened in our lives which is what Christ meant when he said "Take up your cross and follow me."  He didn't say to take up the cross he would take up later, but the cross of our hurt in this life.  When we feel the times when we have had our faith in love damaged we can then grieve the losses we suffered, and then and only then can we forgive all involved with it from our heart, and then finally we will be able to repent from the hurt we have given to life, others and ourselves.  Repentance means change and it is in this change that we find our true dreams and realize them.

The spiritual path may not seem to be an easy path, but it is the lightest burden we can carry.  It is carrying around a dark past of unmet needs and lack of forgiveness that is the truly heavy burden that we bear.

We can live in the dark dreams of our past without knowing it.  We can know this from the negative feelings we barely conceal, or from the obsession to always think positively or negatively rather than realistically.

The process of awakening from these dark dreams involves bringing the light of love and its acceptance and forgiveness and safety into the dark dreams themselves.  The safest and best portal to enter such dreams and bring an awakening there is the daydream.  We daydream but often we fail to use the power of it to engage our inner darkness, to battle the "demons" there, to enter into the hopelessness there and arise to a better more awakened life.

We must travel through the valley of the shadow of death to find the life that conquers.

I am a dream liberation coach and I will assist you if you so desire.  Our faults are not our sins, they are the flaws in us, the hurt of damaged faith that lives in us.  We must confess our faults one to another and pray for one another that we might be healed.  This prayer is how we enter the darkness of our dreams and find victory.  It is the doorway, the sense of the love of another that opens to a journey through darkness.  It is the true friend that journey's with us there with a kind and listening ear and an encouraging voice.  We can travel through our dreams alone, but with a dream liberation coach we can make more progress.

I will be writing about how you can help yourself and one another to achieve real buoyancy, optimism, and freedom in your life by journeying through your darkest dreams with the knowledge that a greater love protects you.

I am Rev. David Mitchel Stow and God approves this message.

Better journeys...

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